Mugwort & Palo Santo Ritual Bundle


Beautifully bundled together, this is truly a unique offering here at HPE. This bundle comes with Mugwort wrapped in a lovely flower mixture, ethically-sourced Palo Santo, and topped with a tiny quartz crystal. This is meant to be cut open and all the items separated for you to utilize in different ways according to your path. The flower mix can be given as an offering to your allies, used in a candle dressing, or added to a sachet-while the mugwort is burned as you would sage bundles. The tiny crystal can be given to a spirit ally or even to imbue with the energies of your workings with the bundle itself whenever you bring it out to work with. Lastly, the Palo Santo can be burned to call in your Spirit Allies and Ancestors or to further cleanse the space.

All ethically sourced items and love infused.

Please note that due to the variety of these handmade items, there are no 2 alike and you will get one intuitively chosen for you by Ivy herself.

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Beautifully bundled together, this is truly a unique offering here at HPE. This bundle comes with Mugwort wrapped in a lovely flower mixture, ethically-sourced Palo Santo, and topped with a tiny quartz crystal. This is meant to be cut open and all the items separated for you to utilize in different ways according to your path. The flower mix can be given as an offering to your allies, used in a candle dressing, or added to a sachet-while the mugwort is burned as you would sage bundles. The tiny crystal can be given to a spirit ally or even to imbue with the energies of your workings with the bundle itself whenever you bring it out to work with. Lastly, the Palo Santo can be burned to call in your Spirit Allies and Ancestors or to further cleanse the space.

All ethically sourced items and love infused.

Please note that due to the variety of these handmade items, there are no 2 alike and you will get one intuitively chosen for you by Ivy herself.

Beautifully bundled together, this is truly a unique offering here at HPE. This bundle comes with Mugwort wrapped in a lovely flower mixture, ethically-sourced Palo Santo, and topped with a tiny quartz crystal. This is meant to be cut open and all the items separated for you to utilize in different ways according to your path. The flower mix can be given as an offering to your allies, used in a candle dressing, or added to a sachet-while the mugwort is burned as you would sage bundles. The tiny crystal can be given to a spirit ally or even to imbue with the energies of your workings with the bundle itself whenever you bring it out to work with. Lastly, the Palo Santo can be burned to call in your Spirit Allies and Ancestors or to further cleanse the space.

All ethically sourced items and love infused.

Please note that due to the variety of these handmade items, there are no 2 alike and you will get one intuitively chosen for you by Ivy herself.