Deposit for all services


This is the deposit for all services offered at HPE. This purchase goes toward the full fee for the service, the remaining amount of which will be due upon completion of the service. Please text a screenshot with your name to finalize your appointment set up. if you are more than 10 minutes late without a phone call then you forfeit your time slot and will be required to make another deposit and schedule for another day.

Please note that all deposits are nonrefundable and rescheduling does not have any hidden fees. However, after 3 reschedules HPE reserves the right to discontinue the service and require the individual to wait 30 days before attempting to schedule again. At this time, a new deposit will be required.

Please read below for some additional instructions for some of the services:

Cleansing: wear comfortable loose clothes, shoes easy to remove, and inform HPE at least 1 business day in advance if you have any scent related or smoke related allergies or sensitivities.

Spellwork Consultation: bring all the information that Ivy may need to know in order to cast your spell. In addition, bring any physical items that may help connect to the target intended (ex: someone’s favorite tshirt, a photo, their birthday, and anything else you feel may help your spell connect to them well.

Cord Cutting: bring a photo and/or birthday information or other identifying information about whom you wish to cut cords with.

The Undoing: bring anything you still have from your previous religion like your bible, piece of fabric from a confirmation dress or shirt, a cross necklace, a photo or other small item that represents your previous devotion.

Herbalist Consultation: any medications, supplements or OTC medications you are currently taking-including other herbal remedies or teas you take regularly.

Tutoring: bring any questions or specifics you would like to start with.

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This is the deposit for all services offered at HPE. This purchase goes toward the full fee for the service, the remaining amount of which will be due upon completion of the service. Please text a screenshot with your name to finalize your appointment set up. if you are more than 10 minutes late without a phone call then you forfeit your time slot and will be required to make another deposit and schedule for another day.

Please note that all deposits are nonrefundable and rescheduling does not have any hidden fees. However, after 3 reschedules HPE reserves the right to discontinue the service and require the individual to wait 30 days before attempting to schedule again. At this time, a new deposit will be required.

Please read below for some additional instructions for some of the services:

Cleansing: wear comfortable loose clothes, shoes easy to remove, and inform HPE at least 1 business day in advance if you have any scent related or smoke related allergies or sensitivities.

Spellwork Consultation: bring all the information that Ivy may need to know in order to cast your spell. In addition, bring any physical items that may help connect to the target intended (ex: someone’s favorite tshirt, a photo, their birthday, and anything else you feel may help your spell connect to them well.

Cord Cutting: bring a photo and/or birthday information or other identifying information about whom you wish to cut cords with.

The Undoing: bring anything you still have from your previous religion like your bible, piece of fabric from a confirmation dress or shirt, a cross necklace, a photo or other small item that represents your previous devotion.

Herbalist Consultation: any medications, supplements or OTC medications you are currently taking-including other herbal remedies or teas you take regularly.

Tutoring: bring any questions or specifics you would like to start with.

This is the deposit for all services offered at HPE. This purchase goes toward the full fee for the service, the remaining amount of which will be due upon completion of the service. Please text a screenshot with your name to finalize your appointment set up. if you are more than 10 minutes late without a phone call then you forfeit your time slot and will be required to make another deposit and schedule for another day.

Please note that all deposits are nonrefundable and rescheduling does not have any hidden fees. However, after 3 reschedules HPE reserves the right to discontinue the service and require the individual to wait 30 days before attempting to schedule again. At this time, a new deposit will be required.

Please read below for some additional instructions for some of the services:

Cleansing: wear comfortable loose clothes, shoes easy to remove, and inform HPE at least 1 business day in advance if you have any scent related or smoke related allergies or sensitivities.

Spellwork Consultation: bring all the information that Ivy may need to know in order to cast your spell. In addition, bring any physical items that may help connect to the target intended (ex: someone’s favorite tshirt, a photo, their birthday, and anything else you feel may help your spell connect to them well.

Cord Cutting: bring a photo and/or birthday information or other identifying information about whom you wish to cut cords with.

The Undoing: bring anything you still have from your previous religion like your bible, piece of fabric from a confirmation dress or shirt, a cross necklace, a photo or other small item that represents your previous devotion.

Herbalist Consultation: any medications, supplements or OTC medications you are currently taking-including other herbal remedies or teas you take regularly.

Tutoring: bring any questions or specifics you would like to start with.